Here is a conversation Emily and I had on the way home from church today.
Emily: I'm hungry! Can we stop and get some food?
Me: (Give her a strange look.) NO
Emily: I want to go to Checkers.
Me: No
Emily: Why? Today at church they said it was fast food Sunday.
Me: Burst out lauging - no it's fast Sunday.
Emily: What? Why are you laughing?
Me: Is that what you think fast Sunday is? You get fast food on Sunday?
Emily: She smiles and looks embarrassed-yes. Then she says does it mean that this Sunday goes by really fast?
Me: (Laughing) No, it means just the opposite - you don't eat all day and it makes the day seem really long!
laughed all the way home. Wouldn't that be great if fast sunday was really fast food Sunday!?
Awesome, tell her I like her idea. She looks gorgeous and good job on the post, better already.
Amy, that was a cute story. You are doing a great job.
Perfect blogging story. Yes, I agree that fast food sunday would be fabulous! Especially if it was every Sunday. my kids are fighting so I guess I have to go and hurt someone.
Has Grampa George been driving her home from church? I bet that is where she got the idea of stopping for food.
Ha ha ha!! What a great story. It's funny how kid's minds work. Love Johnny's comment too!
P.S. She looks so cute. Where do you find dresses for her?
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